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Christian Bollmann

Water is one of the most intense organic mediators and amplifiers of information, as an element of life that carries changes and devotion. We all came from, water, connecting all spirits and beings on this blue planet, water is the medium and the channel for the planetary network.

Essentially the purpose is to create a ritual with healing sounds, music, dancing and spoken words… facing the water, you formulate strong and clear:

Peace for our planet earth

Love and Light to all beings.

We ask you, the water to pass on our message to all water in the world.

To make connections, to join the network with healing information (thoughts, words, visions, prayers, mantras, music, dance) with groups and people with the physical and the spiritual world, to create a vibration field that accelerates a change in consciousness and values, to save our world and her very unique system of our life system in this universe.

The message/vision/dream/prayer/subject

All cultures, religions, philosophies, have the same roots. The core values are: LOVE, how to treat the world, your neighbors and yourself LIGHT, to recognize truth and the deeper connection between cause and result, recognizing and enlightenment of our intuition. Harmony, to recognize connections of life and support.

Peace, inside and out.

Beauty, as a natural result.

Consciousness, to recognize the connection of all beings and all what happens. We are all one, we are all connected (ancient American spirit) win-win principles (there is no need for losers, everybody can participate). Create a consciousness of resourcefulness instead of poorness.

Also the Christian church uses holy water for her rituals! Not only the priests can bless the world, we all can do it! And also the ceremony of baptism uses water for energy transfer.

What will happen at a PEACE POOL Event?

The ritual can be just simple or even complex. Everything is possible…. From the private devotion in your own bath tub up till a pacific open-air-event!

Simple activities:

1.Sitting in front of a bowl of water, watching the water and becoming aware, that the water is connected by with the big water cycle of our planet by humidity of air. Remember,…air, clouds, rain, earth, sources, rivers, lakes, seas.

We as well contain 70% water, take water in and transmit it. Then we become aware that water is able to store information and also pass it on. The pictures of Masaru Emoto show this impressively.

Before this meditation you can tune in by special music, for example, “We all come from Goddess”, and finish it with for example “The River is flowing” to deepen your thoughts.

Now the purpose is to call upon the water and pass on the message verbally: Peace to our Planet Earth, Love, Light and Harmony to all Beings.

We ask you, the Water To pass on our Message to all Water in the Whole World.

You can do this several times, speak out all or single sequences. Subsequent to this meditation it would appear to sing, dance, use in any way the song DA PACEM DOMINE.

Other songs, dances, music pieces or sound improvisations might follow. Finally you hand over the water to the big cycle…put it outside, into a river, lake or sea or pour it even on the ground.

-From our friends at the Obertonchor Düsseldorf web site: